Below: Using all of the different learning styles will help your child be prepared for kindergarten. Here’s why.
Children learn by using a variety of techniques. For example, a child may pick up on things by listening or watching and may sometimes need to explore the world with his hands.
Children often show a preference for one learning method over the others, and while this is normal and can be used to the child’s advantage, it’s also important that children learn through the use of all the various learning styles.
Why Using All Learning Styles is Important for Kindergarten Prep
There are three basic types of learning: Visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.
Visual learners get the most value from watching presentations or videos and they can easily repeat what they have seen. These learners use tools like charts, graphs, and maps very well, but they may become easily distracted while listening to a lecture.
Visual learners often learn to read quickly and easily. In fact, they may learn much faster than others in the same age group. Children who are avid readers are most likely visually oriented.
Auditory learners like to listen and may respond well to material that they read out loud so they can hear it in their own voices. Listeners may appreciate having music in the background as they study because they rely heavily on the sense of hearing. They may do best in a quiet environment without a great deal of noise to distract them.
Kinesthetic (or tactile) learners enjoy “hands-on” learning experiences. Reading a book or watching a video may not help them retain information. Even talking about the subject or listening to information may not be effective tools for comprehension. Kinesthetic learners ask many questions, want to know how things work, and learn best by doing.
Dominant Learning Styles
Kids utilize all three learning styles, but some prefer one approach over the others. That is why one should take a close look at the way a child learns, as this can help to identify a dominant learning mode. Once you understand tendencies, you can help your child avoid frustration or boredom.
If your child definitely prefers one method of learning over the others, you should let the the child’s teacher know about this. This may help the teacher get a better idea of the child’s learning strengths and weaknesses. In fact, the more you communicate with the teacher, the easier it may be for the child to adapt to classroom learning.
Why you should use all learning styles with your pre-kindergartner
Very young children are flexible when it comes to learning. Just because a child prefers one method of learning does not mean that the others should be avoided.
Pre-kindergarten is a good time to work on learning difficulties. For instance, visually-oriented children should frequently be exposed to audio recordings or work on tactile exercises like playing games or making things out of materials. Tactile learners should spend time reading or listening to audio books. Auditory learners need more “hands-on” learning and chances to read books, instead of listening to books read to them.
When a child enters kindergarten, she will encounter a variety of teaching and learning styles. While it is the teacher’s job to make sure children are comprehending the information, it will be easier for your child if she is able to use all three learning styles, even if some of them aren’t her preferred method.
The more children are exposed to all the learning methods, the more likely they will become comfortable with them. This will help their developing minds adapt to all of the different teaching philosophies and environments they will eventually encounter. In that way, one can ensure more satisfying and effective learning through the years.